Debra Matlock is a Los Angeles based filmmaker, graphic designer and artist. During the 90's, her graphic design work was featured on nearly every television network and cable channel and in a few films too.
Since 2003, she has consciously made an effort to only work on projects that promote social justice or are meaningful works by artists she admires.
Ms. Matlock started as a teenager at her hometown cable access channel producing, directing and editing their first program. She went on to work at the San Jose ABC affiliate morning news and as a photographer for UCLA's Daily Bruin.
She graduated from their infamous film school where she received the Jim Morrison Award for excellence in film directing. She was a partner in the broadcast graphic design firm Planet Fez from 1994-2004 and now works under the Matlock/Grossman, Inc. banner.
Her husband is an editor on CHEF'S TABLE and her son is a bike activist, which just means they bike to delicious things A LOT.
Lucinda James